European International School (EIS) refers to its campus as an educational village and it quite literally consists of family homes. Ms. Jo Roberts, the Deputy Head of School, explains to Saigoneer: “The Learning Resource Centre (Library) used to be my friend’s house - my daughter used to play in the garden and we had dinner in their dining room. After the family moved overseas and it became the EIS LRC I told my friend she would be delighted with the renovation, as it maintains the ambiance of a beautiful home whilst at the same time ensuring a comfortable environment for reading and playing.”
But more than just architecture that consists of once-private homes, the school contains the care and personal attention one typically associates with families. The best way to get a sense of this unique atmosphere is to visit during the upcoming Open Day on March 25th.
“Images, films, text, and testimonies can only provide you with a broad perspective and a look into life at EIS; they can't give you the same sense of awe that you get from actually walking around our educational village ... The layout, villas and open spaces are often a surprise to visitors to our campus as the school can be deceptive from outside the gates. Only once you are inside can you gain a real appreciation of the size, environment and natural beauty of our educational village,” Ms. Jo explains.

The spacious green campus with an inviting atmosphere didn’t happen overnight. With humble origins as a dream shared between a group of parents teachers and administrators in 2012, it has blossomed into a campus consisting of 11 villas and two modern, purpose-built buildings in addition to a 25-meter heated swimming pool, rooftop sports facility, tennis courts, science laboratories, design studio and a multi-purpose room. Just as impressive are the multitude of grass-covered fields, shady nooks and beanbag chair-filled alcoves where students can run, play and relax.
But even more important than the physical spaces are the people that fill them. EIS has many families that have put roots down in the city. This means that the small, close-knit cohorts of students are liable to stay together for the majority of their education, forming lifelong bonds, a reality that Saigoneer has discovered first-hand during discussions with students.
Adding to the rich diversity of perspectives and experiences in the student body is the scholarship programme that provides full and partial scholarships to deserving candidates. Helping local students that might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend the school, the programme supports the ethos that permeates the campus.
EIS also prides itself on its team of teachers that hail from around the world. Passionate about their individual areas of expertise, they ensure students have a vast array of subjects to pursue, including a particularly robust European languages program. With low pupil-teacher ratios, students not only excel in conventional subjects as exemplified by the high International Baccalaureate (IB) test scores and impressive university placements but also receive instruction on real-world skills and experiences that benefit them outside of the classroom. Regular assemblies and workshops touch on topics such as how to create and follow budgets, basic first aid, drug and alcohol safety, and sexual education while teachers offer lessons on sewing and cooking, while sports, arts and volunteer opportunities help students identify and explore hobbies beyond academics.
Parents, in collaboration with the students and teachers, have an important role in the school community as well. Thanks to routine communication with teachers and opportunities to be involved as attendees and volunteers for the many events and performances, they recognize the school as a home away from home for the entire family. Formal and informal parent networks further help support and influence the learning goals and environment their children encounter every day. Open Day may be the first time many families visit the EIS campus, and if they decide to enroll their child at the school, there will be lots of opportunities for them to enjoy the beautiful campus.
In addition to the campus tours led by teachers, administrators and admissions staff, the day will include presentations that offer an overview of the school and opportunities to discuss particulars of admissions including post-graduation trajectories and financial information including the scholarship program. As Ms. Jo summed up: “My advice would be to come along and experience for yourself our educational village. We are a family-oriented community and provide a welcoming environment for students and families.”
Register for European International School (EIS) Open Day here.
European Internation School's website
+84 28 7300 7257