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Saigon Sound: Daedelus

We caught up with Daedelus after he played to an enthusiastic crowd in Saigon in January. Surprisingly, there was a stark difference between his studio work, as stated earlier in his interview with Saigoneer

"[I prefer performing live because of] the freedom [it] gives, literally the wings it gives me is an incredible experience. Producing in studios is a solitary act, no witnesses to the work, no one dancing but myself. So it is an unruly, exuberant thing, and when it works, when the audience and I are all together, we can all go up."

This is a good thing though. There is a live Daedelus, and a recorded Daedelus. The live Daedelus is full of infectious energy, while his recorded sound is often more mellow and delicate. 

He is quite the spectacle to watch, actually.  His hands fly in sync to his beats while touting a victorian dandy's jacket, which he proudly had made in Vietnam!  

But there seems to be something more to his music than just a great beat or a good time, as he himself is extremely articulate and gracious, you can't help but feel that there is an intelligence behind his music. His choice of samples, and intertwining sounds make the listener pay attention much like progressive jazz.

There is rumor that Daedelus will be returning to Saigon soon. We highly recommend his live show for its great music. Don't be afraid to approach him and say hi, he's a great conversationalist!

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