Saigon Postcard No. 30: The Cacophony of a Healed Saigon
It doesn’t feel so long ago that Saigon went into battle mode against invaders of microscopic scales.

Saigon Postcard No. 29: Nhâm Dần Limps In
Humans adapted to fields, birds to branches... and yet, in Saigon...

Hanoi Postcard No. 11: Saddle Chill Time
Who is better at the art of chilling on a motorbike than the xe ôm?

Saigon Postcard No. 28: Embrace a New Fashion
What if cải lương tuồng cổ costumes became a new trend?

Saigon Postcard No. 27: Santa Claus Is Coming to Quarantine
Vietnam makes no special safety-protocol exceptions for Santa Claus.

Saigon Postcard No. 26: Urban Decay
What happens after the cho thuê nhà signs go up?

Saigon Postcard No. 25: Child's Play
Who builds Saigon's bridges?

Saigon Postcard No. 24: A Slice of New Saigon
Saigon is a cake with many bakers.

Saigon Postcard No. 23: A Round of Applause
"Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'"

Saigon Postcard No. 22: Feline Obstruction
If one needs further proof of cats' superiority to humans, one simply needs to consider their response to Saigon's perpetually stalled public transportation plans.

Saigon Postcard No. 21: The Year of the Rat Wedding
They say it's bad to get married during your year on the Lunar Calendar.

Saigon Postcard No. 20: Ephemeral Holiday Feelings
Soft lights illuminate Saigon's dark alleys and streets the way holiday cheer brightens the lamentations for another year passing.

Hanoi Postcard No. 10: Capital City Claustrophilia
Cramped alleyways thread through the heart of Hanoi’s Old Quarter like arteries, carrying not just people and goods, but also intrigue and fear.

Saigon Postcard No. 19: Learning to Swim
Folk wisdom offers a unique way to achieve aquatic efficiency.

Hanoi Postcard No. 9: The Turtle God of Hồ Gươm
Hanoi's lakes, including Hồ Gươm, are brimming with fish, debris and memories of historical lore.

Saigon Postcard No. 18: The Legend of Turtle Lake
The name "Turtle Lake" has more mythic origins than merely suggesting the presence of aquatic reptiles.

Hanoi Postcard No. 8: The Golden Hooves That Formed Ho Tay
Do you know how Hanoi’s greatest lake was formed?

Saigon Postcard No. 17: Our Love and Hate for the Rainy Season
The monsoon season's heavy clouds carry a chaos of conflictions.

Saigon Postcard No. 16: Rainstorm Inspiration
While the rainy season's flooded streets, soaked satchels and delayed appointments can make one curse its arrival, sometimes when the torrent hits the neon storefronts just so, it becomes a source of ...

Saigon Postcard No. 15: Birthright Balance
Navigating traffic with absurdly overburdened motorbikes comes as second nature to Saigoneers.