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Drop Everything: Kenny G Is Coming To Hanoi

Smooth jazz enthusiasts may want to take a seat for this thrilling announcement: next month, Kenny G is coming to Hanoi.

On October 13, the star saxophonist will perform at the National Convention Center as part of his Asian tour, according to Vietnam Net. Mr. G's Vietnam debut will feature a 30-minute pre-show hang with the god of smooth jazz himself, followed by two hours of sweet, sweet musical stylings, with the G Man backed by his own private orchestra.

In case you haven't read up on God's gift to easy listening, Kenny G got his start in high school jazz band before graduating to Barry White's Love Unlimited Orchestra in 1973. Since then, the saxophonist's solo career has made him the 25th highest-selling artist in America.

In fact, the he's so well-loved around the world that China has adopted his 1989 hit 'Going Home' as its unofficial closing anthem in schools, shopping malls and train stations across the country.

Another fun fact about the G Man: in 1997, he earned a Guinness World Record for the longest note ever played on a saxophone. Thanks to the wonders of circular breathing, the G Force held an E flat for over 45 minutes. Hang on to your hats, Hanoi; this could get wild.

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