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Roughly 30% of Vietnamese people are suffering from mental health problems, with depression rating as the most common.

A new National Institute of Mental Health report claims that around 25% of those suffering from mental health problems are facing depression, while 15% have common stress-related disorders, Dan Tri reports.

It is likely, however, that these estimates are inaccurate. Information can only be gathered based on those who seek help, and with education around mental health in Vietnam at a very low level, many may not realize they are suffering from specific mental health problems, or may not know how to get help.

With resources for mental health support as a minimum, it is also difficult for institutions to meet demand. Trinh Tat Thang, director of Ho Chi Minh City Mental Health Hospital, has claimed that the number of patients they see has been rising from between 10% and 15% annually. They also only have 500 beds, making the bed-to-patient ratio a worrying 0.07 beds per 1,000 people.

According to the UN, mental health problems are widespread throughout Vietnam yet services to deal with the problem remain ‘largely inadequate.’ The issue is of particular concern in remote rural provinces, where services struggle to prevent suicides or treat mental health problems.

The organization stressed that awareness of the issue needs to be raised, especially in areas such as Dien Bien Phu, where poisonous leaves have been used by Hmong girls to facilitate suicide attempts. 

[Photo via Financial Tribune]

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