BackStories » Vietnam » Hanoi Identifies Teens Suspected of Harassing Women in Tay Ho

This follows a string of assault and harassment allegations focused around West Lake.

Tuoi Trereports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently shared that it is working with embassies in Hanoi on reports of numerous incidents of sexual assault and harassment in Tay Ho District, and has also urged police to strictly handle the perpetrators.

Last week, three teenagers aged 15–16 were brought to the Tay Ho District police office and admitted that they had harassed some women, though the news outlet doesn't state what these actions entailed.

In recent weeks, social media has been flooded with accounts of women, many of them foreign, who have been attacked and harassed by groups of young men on motorbikes around West Lake. A number of Facebook groups and pages have been created to raise awareness and share information on attacks, which have reportedly included suspects throwing bricks at women and slapping them with belts.

Tuoi Treadds that four women recently reported cases to the police, saying that they had been insulted and harassed by up to 20 young men driving on bikes with covered license plates. Three of the women lived in Quang An Ward, and one lives in Tu Lien Ward.

While the foreign affairs ministry focused on foreign women in their update, Vietnamese women have also reported harassment in the same neighborhoods. The news source adds that anyone with information related to these incidents or potential suspects can call the police at 02437184128.

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