Cambodia, Thailand Reach Agreement on Pan-Asia Railway Network
Earlier this month, Cambodia and Thailand signed a memorandum of understanding on a new railway line that will run from Bangkok to Phnom Penh.

New Evidence Suggests 'Last Stand' at Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat might not have been just a religious monument.

South Korean 'Comfort Women' Are Not Happy About Japan's Latest Apology
On Monday, Japan and South Korea reached a landmark deal on aid to South Korean "comfort women", who were forced to serve as sex slaves to Japan's Imperial Army during World War II.

[Video] North Korea's Spice Girls Didn't Perform in China After All
Chinese music lovers were hanging their heads in sorrow earlier this month, as the Beijing debut of North Korea's Spice Girls – a girl group better known as Moranbong – was canceled.

Thai Junta Will Hand Power Back to Civilian Government in 2017
A year and a half after overthrowing Thailand's civilian government, the country's military junta has vowed to return power to a newly elected civilian government in 2017.

[Video] Take a Tour of North Korea's Pyongyang From Above
To much of the world, North Korea is a mystery. Images of the super-secretive nation, headed by lube-loving Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, seldom reach international media, and many wonder what life insi...

Chinese Restaurant Charges Customers For Clean Air
There's no such thing as a free lunch. Nor, apparently, is there such thing as free air to breathe while you eat that lunch.

Thailand Will Ban Visitors Who Overstay Their Visas
Thai authorities are getting serious about its visa policies, as the country's Immigration Bureau announced this week that it will begin cracking down on foreign visitors who overstay their visas.

[Video] Watch Malaysian Puppeteers Bring the Story of Star Wars to Life
As times change, so does culture. The more Southeast Asian nations develop, incorporating global ideas, modern technology, and international pop culture into their societies, traditional arts like mus...

Chinese Artist Vacuums the Air, Makes a Brick From Smog Dust
When it comes to making a statement, some people choose to do so with their taste in music or their outfit choice. One Chinese performance artist, however, prefers to get his point across by dragging ...

KL Airport Takes Out Newspaper Ad Seeking Owner of 3 Abandoned 747s
If anyone is missing a Boeing 747, you might want to try the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

South Korea Just Opened an Incredible Vinyl Record Library
In K-pop-obsessed South Korea, a massive vinyl and music library has opened to the public, showcasing decades of eastern and western music in its beautiful three-level space.

Chinese Real Estate Developers Are Renting Foreigners to Pose as Fake Celebrities
Times are tough in the Chinese real estate market. After years of enthusiastic development, many housing complexes sit empty on the city limits of smaller urban areas in the country's western region, ...

Man Uses Passport to Prove to Facebook his Name is Phuc Dat Bich
Facebook may be growing at a rapid pace in Vietnam, but apparently, the social network still has some work to do when it comes to recognizing Vietnamese naming conventions.

MIT Researchers Finally Figured Out How Many Ghost Cities There Are in China
Over the last several decades, China's meteoric rise to the top of the global economy has brought about many things, including a lightning-speed pace of development. Between 2011 and 2013 alone, ...

2,000+ Sheep Farts Forced the Emergency Landing of a Singaporean Plane
In case you've ever wondered, it takes the flatulence of 2,186 sheep to force the emergency landing of a plane.

Aung San Suu Kyi Gaining Ground in Historic Myanmar Election
Yesterday, Burmese citizens took to the streets to celebrate, as results of Myanmar's first free-and-fair elections in a quarter-century poured in from around the country.

US President Barack Obama to Visit Laos
In the twilight of his final term, Barack Obama will become the first US president to visit Laos.

There Is Now an Emoji Keyboard So You Never Have to Type Your Feelings Again
There are those revolutionary, groundbreaking inventions which awe and inspire the world: electricity, the wheel, a well-made bánh mì. And then there are those inventions you never knew you needed unt...

Myanmar Is Getting Krispy Kreme
In the area of glorious, calorie-ridden, sugar-fueled donut news, Krispy Kreme will be coming to Myanmar.