Unknown in Vietnam, Local Ride-Hailing App FastGo to Expand to Indonesia, Myanmar
Homegrown ride-hailing app FastGo just announced that it’s preparing for a launch in Myanmar and Indonesia.

Update: Grab Announces Partnership With Local E-Wallet App Moca
Grab users who have been enjoying the app’s services via cashless payments might need to take note of this new update.

A Month After Launch, Go-Viet Claims 15% Market Share in Saigon, Gears up for Hanoi Debut
Commuters in Saigon are apparently welcoming new ride-hailing service Go-Viet with open arms.

It's Official: Ride-Hailing App Go-Viet Launches Service in Saigon's Inner Districts
Go-Viet is the name of the Vietnamese ride-hailing company under a partnership with Indonesian giant Go-Jek.

Google Maps Introduces Motorbike-Specific Navigation Mode in Vietnam
The feature was first developed in India.

Sophia the Robot’s Message to Vietnam: 'You Are Already Halfway There'
On July 13, an international conference on Industry 4.0 in Hanoi featured Sophia, a social humanoid robot, as a guest speaker, and she had a message for Vietnam.

Vietnam's First Autonomous Car Project Begins Pilot Phase
Yay or nay?

Sophia the Robot to Give a Presentation in Hanoi Later This Month
Sophia, an AI-equipped social humanoid robot from Hong Kong’s Hanson Robotics Ltd that has been a Saudi Arabian citizen since October 2017, will speak alongside scholars and authorities at an internat...

Vietnam's Software Piracy Rates Fall Over Time, Still High at 74%: Report
Vietnamese PC users are slowly backing away from unlicensed software.

Vietnam's Ride-Hailling Market Heats up With New Made-by-Vietnamese App Aber
Does that name sound a bit too familiar?

End of an Era: Yahoo Messenger Will Be Discontinued on July 17
Remember when your chat ID "XxbAby_dUn_hErd_mE_nO_mOAr1991xX" was cool?

Sharks, Anchors and Red Tape: Why It Takes Forever to Fix Vietnam's Broken Internet Cables
Are the sharks all to blame, or should other aquatic creatures also be held responsible for Vietnam’s sluggish internet?

Vietnam to Build a Code of Conduct for Internet Users
The prevalence of online hate speech is a growing concern for authorities.

Will Tracking Technology Help Combat Vietnam's Chronic Bike Theft Problem?
The surest way to keep your bike safe might just be to lo-jack it.

New Zero-Commission Ride-Hailing Platform to Launch in Vietnam in July
The blockchain-based platform wants a piece of the ride-hailing pie in Vietnam following Uber's retreat from Southeast Asia's market.

Vietnam Earns Peanuts in Tax From Facebook, Google Despite Their Massive Profits
The technology and social media empires are raking in enormous revenues, but as a result of the limitations of Vietnam's current tax laws and poor regulation, very little of that money stays in the co...

How the Creator of Zalo, Vietnam's Home-Grown Chat App, Went From Hacker to Manager
Vietnam's popular chat app and social media platform, Zalo, was born from its creator's curiosity about hacking.

Vietnam Launches First Public Satellite Image Database, 'Data Cube'
The system, a result of a joint effort of the Vietnam National Space Center (VNSC) and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), has been in development since 2017.

Dangerous North Korean Hacker Group Targets Vietnam, Japan, Middle East
The group, called Reaper (code name: APT37), was previously responsible for several attacks on private and public entities in South Korea, North Korean defectors, and even individuals involved with th...

Vietnam Establishes State-Run Cyber Security Command Center
In Hanoi on Monday, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc announced the establishment of the Cyberspace Operations Command which is tasked with protecting Vietnam’s control of the Internet and overseeing IC...