Paul Christiansen

in Sports

Adding Billiards to Saigon's Pantheon of Pastimes

The clink of cue sticks on eight-ball muffling the clank of whisky glass ice cubes and the slap of cards as boozehounds hide their addictions in the shadows of sport and hobby? Dense plumes of Bastos smoke obscuring illicit activities and immoral affairs? Are Saigon's pool halls the seedy dens of patriarchal indulgence their reputation and pop culture representations suggest?

Khôi Phạm

in Society

In Vietnam, ‘Golden Babies’ Are Choking Public Services, Parents and One Another

The year is 2013. Linh lies awake in the attic bedroom of her cozy childhood home in Saigon. Tomorrow is her first day at primary school, and sleep doesn’t come easily with the all butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She’s worried, but mom assured her that she would be okay, because she is special.

Paul Christiansen

in Environment

The Role of Sand Batteries in Responding to the Climate Change Crisis

How does a sand battery work? 

Khôi Phạm

in Development

With the HCMC Metro Here, It's Time to Cultivate Saigon's Very Own Metro Culture

One of my least favorite genres of comments on Saigoneer’s social media posts is jokes involving the laggard opening of the HCMC Metro and some random, outrageous year far into the next decades, or even centuries.

Thi Nguyễn

in Tech

Typing Vietnamese, Part 2: The Vietnamese Diaspora, Unicode and the Ubiquity of Unikey

This is part 2 of our two-part series on the history of Vietnamese-centric typing technologies. Part 1 can be  acces...

Thi Nguyễn

in Tech

Typing Vietnamese, Part 1: Language, Identity and Technology at a Crossroad

My first exposure to the computer traces back to my primary school years when computer classes were conducted once a week. In order to study computers, students had to migrate from their usual classrooms to a multimedia lab — an air-conditioned room filled with computers. Computer classes were generally more popular among us than most subjects thanks to that satisfying cool breeze and the delight of operating something one wasn't privileged with at home.

in Natural Selection

Hoa Sữa, Poetic Icon of Autumn in Hanoi or Nasal Health Enemy No. 1?

It was early in the day. I opened my window to let in the very first rays of the morning sun, just to catch a waft of that distinctive floral aroma lingering in the cold air. This year, autumn came early, and hoa sữa has started blooming where I live.

in Environment

Plastic Waste Is Choking the Mekong River and Every Nation on Its Path

On Son Island in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta, Le Trung Tin scatters fish feed into his ponds, where dozens of snakehead fish leap through the surface in synchronised bursts. “I taught them how to do that,” he says proudly, tossing another handful of feed at his fish.

Back Society

in Tech

Half Of HCMC’s State Agency Officials Don’t Know How To Use Email

In a recent article by Dantri International, a survey conducted by the Department of Information and Communications revealed that as much as 50 percent of the higher officials in the city’s state depa...

in Sports

Vietnamese Football Officials Call For Investigation Into “Incomprehensible” Loss

After last night’s sloppy 4-2 loss to Malaysia in the semi-final round of the 2014 Suzuki Cup, Vietnamese football officials plan to ask "concerned agencies" to investigate the match, the result of wh...

in Development

[Photos] 13 Old Saigon Villas to Be Demolished

According to Tuoi Tre, 13 villas in Districts 1 and 3 are scheduled to meet their demise in the near future. Though the city's Villa Classification Council is attempting to preserve many of these buil...

in Development

Thao Dien House Blends Natural and Minimalist Elements

This beautiful house in Thao Dien built by MM++ Architects is a rennovation of an existing structure that has been transformed into a natural wonderland. The design focuses on connecting the home’s li...

in Tech

Could 3D-Printed Plastic Replace Metal Roofs in Vietnam?

A new project out of a Harvard spin-off, Resilient Modular Systems, has developed a system of modular roofing 3D printed from waste plastic.

in Health

[Video] Biker Drives Down Highway Using Only Feet, Takes Selfies Along The Way

This young motorist shows particular disregard for safety and common sense, driving down the highway at 60km/hour using only his feet, allowing him to use his free hands to take selfies with his passe...

in Development

New Laos Dam Could 'Kill' the Mekong Delta: Experts

“We can survive without electricity, but without water, we will die.”

in Development

Spain Pledges 3.4 Million Euros For HCMC Metro Line 5

It looks like plans for HCMC’s fifth metro line are getting a boost with the Spanish government pledging 3.4 Million Euros for the upcoming project.

in Development

Future Saigon Update: The German House

More details are emerging on the German House, the 25-story tower going up across from Kumho Plaza at the corner of Le Duan and Le Van Huu Steets.

in Tech

HCMC Seeks To Lure Scientists With $7,015 Monthly Salaries

As HCMC seeks to position itself as the country’s science and technology hub, it is offering massive incentives to lure scientists.

in Development

[Photos] Vietnamese Artist Imagines A More Beautiful Hanoi

There’s plenty to love about Hanoi, but sometimes the electricity wires, dirty canals and abandoned construction sites leave a lot to be desired.

in Health

40% Of Pregnancies In Vietnam End In Abortion: Report

Vietnam’s defunct but lingering family planning policies, poor sex education programs and easy access to clinics has resulted in one of the highest abortion rates in the world, according to a recent r...

in Development

Say Goodbye to the Iconic Statue in Front of Ben Thanh Market

The statue of General Trần Nguyên Hãn that has stood in front of Bến Thành Market for decades is in the process of being permanently removed from the location to accommodate a new metro station.

in Tech

Vietnamese Jeweler Begins To Ship 24k Gold Plated iPads

Some Vietnamese spend months of their salary on iPhones and iPads for a lift in status. But some go a step further, paying more than the value of the actual product to have it dipped in gold.

in Health

Vietnam Ranks First in Southeast Asia for Diabetes

Add diabetes to smoking and drinking on the list of major threats to Vietnam’s public health.

in Tech

Made In Vietnam: La Dalat

Known once as “the pearl of the orient,” Saigon was Indochina’s hub of modern industry and entertainment. This environment spawned the “La Dalat,” one of the first cars to be produced in Vietnam.

in Development

[Photos] HCMC Begins To Chop Down Old Trees On Tôn Đức Thắng

The chopping down of the beautiful old trees on Tôn Đức Thắng Street has begun.

in Health

Hanoi “Running Short” Of Clean Water

According to two water companies that serve the city, Hanoi is facing some serious water shortages.

in Tech

Hackers Tap Into Private Vietnamese CCTV Cameras, Put Feeds Online

In a reminder to avoid passwords like “admin” and “12345,” a group of hackers tapped into almost 1,000 Vietnamese private CCTV cameras and put them on the web for all to see.

in Development

Future Saigon: Vietcombank Tower

The next big addition to Saigon’s skyline, the Vietcombank Tower, is nearly complete after years of construction.